AnneAdare Wood

AnneAdare Wood | 970.274.8989


Aspen-Snowmass Retail Summary

January 2012 Market Summary
March 16, 2012


• $96,653,315 - total dollars for January, an increase of 15% from January 2011
• 55 - total transactions for January, a decrease of 29.5% from January 2011
• Aspen led the county with 28 transactions ($74 million), Interval Units - 12 ($2.6 million), Snowmass Village - 9 ($12.4 million), Basalt - 3 ($1.3 million), Old Snowmass - 2 ($5.6 million), and Woody Creek - 1 ($775,000)
• There were 4 bank sales (bank as the grantor) in the county for January, totaling $1.72 million.  This accounted for 7% of the transactions and less than 2% of the dollars.
o 1 - Aspen, 1 - Snowmass Village, 1 - Basalt, and 1 - Fractional
• The average single family sold price for January totaled $3,192,511 - a decrease of 22% from full year 2011
• The median single family sold price for January totaled $3,112,500 - an increase of 12% from full year 2011
• Fractional dollar volume for January totaled $2,642,400 - a decrease of 74% from January 2011
• Fractional transaction volume for January totaled 12 - a decrease of 71% from January 2011

Click here if you would like to request the Full Market Report.


Aspen Real Estate News (4)
State of the Market (3)


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